Thursday, September 4, 2008

at long last, more of the fireworks pictures.


Francesca Gatica Aliaga said...

beatiful pictures!!!

greetings from Chile!

Auntie said...

are you sure those aren't deep sea diving photos? they're kinda anemonesqe.

princess japonski said...

How did you accomplish this? What kind of camera? They are magnificent. I would turn them into a series (maybe of the three best) for a wall.

stella said...

It makes it feel like floating.

ell said...

yeah, i've been thinking about doing a series and sellin' them. they are SUPER underseas. the camera is nothing magic--a $200 canon powershot i got with part of my "stimulus" dollars. we've been doing some fabulous work together, though!

princess japonski said...

You HAVE to. I keep coming back to visit that last one, at the bottom.