Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Moon Tapped Our Shoulders

Last night on the train back to Brooklyn, Shelley gasped, "The Moon!" It was a huge, pulsing orange orb shimmying its way up from the horizon. Yikes! We got off at the next stop and ran to try and find it, but it was hiding. Finally, while walking next to the park, we both felt a strange presence at our backs and turned around. Now silver but still huge, the moon loomed behind some trees. We ran into a dark open field in the park to try and see it better. It's next to Shelley's feet.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

i've been doing a terrible job.

because i've been doing tons and tons of things. plus, the election had me in a permanent state of distraction, like it did everybody else. here is a let's-get-back-into-this-habit post of a picture from our trip down to rockland a few weekends ago to scope out possible living spots, eat blueberry pancakes at the diner, and throw rocks in the big, big water that i get to live near again in just six months. just six months. just six months.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Food is Life

When things get tough and sad and overwhelming, it's good to enjoy the small pleasures in life. This weekend Devon and I went to breakfast at the Brown Betty cafe on Grand Avenue. And the food looked so beautiful and tasted even better.

Those are salmon fritters, cheesy eggs and grits. Everything was SPICY.

Lemon waffles, carmelized bananas and chicken sausage. Oh the lusciousness.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Some Skies

Sometimes magnificent things happen in the sky here.

This is the view from a frequent train stop of mine. Smith-9th Streets on the F line.

Early morning out the WNYC building window by the elevators.

click on them! make them big!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

last year/this year

it's time for ell and vee birthdays, which in ell's part of the world means it's time for the farmington fair.last year our friends jeremy and annie came to visit to help celebrate, and (luckily) the very same thing will be happening this year.
cotton candy. watching cloggers with bank-lady hairdos do their thing in the same big barn where horses drag stuff around. the most people in one place that you ever see in farmington. the. demolition. derby.
it's all too exciting to even think about, so i've been looking at these pictures from last year's fair to help me get ready.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Monsters on 6th Avenue

This is the coffee shop right by Shelley's house. I couldn't decide which monster I liked the best, so you get to see both.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

this weekend, in two photos.

saturday; best yard sale find ever.

sunday; dinner.

Monday, August 25, 2008

New Views

Here are places for me to drink coffee right by my school.

Bryant Park.

Broadway, Times Square.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

and one for papa,

who had the best style, and who died three long years ago today.

just a few things from last weekend

Monday, July 28, 2008

my hammering.

here is a developing project: repainting just-wooden-frames i've collected from lawn sales and gluing panels of cork all up in 'em. whatever you want goes in there.

right now, two of them are waiting.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A good day for hammering nails

I really like hanging things on the walls during thunderstorms, so today was the day. I got this rad-ass hook with Dani in Colorado, in a dusty antique yard. There were two, one for her and one for me. They cost $6 each and were so hot to the touch from baking in the sun that for two seconds we almost didn't buy them. Imagine!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

i passed this sign--up at the roughest drinking establishment that farmington has to offer--in the early morning a few weeks ago, and cursed myself for not having my camera. luckily, mom and cousin kathryn were visiting, and before they left town that morning i made them drive by it and take a photo. kathryn said two other cars pulled up as she and mom did, and that right after she took the picture, people from those other cars started taking the sign down. i feel blessed to have seen what was no doubt the result of some middle-of-the-night sign-rearranging antics (one of the top forms of entertainment for The Youths in maine, it should be noted), and even more blessed to have a record of its awesomeness. it's generally funny, yes, but also kind of funny-because-it's-true.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Prospect Park

Spoon was playing. We could've moved a lot closer to the band but there were fireflies hanging out with us.

Monday, July 14, 2008

um, oh my god.

did you know about this?
holy god. oh my goodness. holy god.

Friday, July 11, 2008

I don't have a rolling pin.

The crust turned out crude as a child's clay ashtray, but the pie tasted delicious.
here's a photo i hadn't seen until just this week, though it's from dan's wedding nearly three years ago. i think it's one of my favorite family pictures ever now, because it gets not just tim and dan and i, but sarah (dan's wife, in between tim and dan) and sarah's two sisters, too. but i can't look at it a's kind of Too Much.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

bits of our fourth

i'm going a little beyond the spartan one-picture approach for this one, because it's too good to pick just one. we went to a crazy parade in athens, where the citizens take over a backroad and put on a drunken parade and a bush administration-bashing play that traditionally starts with everybody standing up and giving the finger to washington d.c.
never, i think, have i seen so very many people drunk and/or high and/or both before noon.

have i mentioned, lately, how much i love my home state, and how glad i am that i returned?
oh, and here's pete.